Dublino, 21 maggio 2017 – 27 maggio 2017
(Partecipanti: Antonio Poto, Frida Mega, Lauretana Paladini, Paolo Mangia)
Questa è stata la prima mobilità del progetto Erasmus+ a cui sta partecipando il nostro istituto.
Il gruppo in partenza è stato suddiviso in due sottogruppi, il primo per un corso CLIL, il secondo per un corso English for Teachers – A2.
La sede di svolgimento di entrambi i corsi è stata il Trinity College di Dublino, già di per se luogo simbolo della cultura e formazione universitaria a livello europeo.
I partecipanti al corso erano circa 80, provenienti da 12 differenti paesi europei. Aspetto quest’ultimo che ha favorito un ulteriore scambio interculturale e confronto sulle vari metodologie di insegnamento.
L’intero gruppo è stato poi suddiviso in sottogruppi da circa 12 partecipanti, ognuno dei quali afferente a diverse attività, quali corsi CLIL o corsi in lingua inglese.
L’impatto è stato molto positivo, ci siamo incontrati ad un welcome dinner e da subito si è instaurato un bel clima caloroso e di reale interesse per tutti i partecipanti al corso. Nonostante la diversa provenienza si è sin da subito instaurato un clima aperto e costruttivo favorendo la conversazione e lo scambio i idee, spaziando dalla cultura del paese d’origine sino alla conoscenza delle diverse realtà lavorative e non.
Le attività hanno seguito una timetable dettagliata e minuziosa anche grazie all’eccellente staff organizzativo di English Matters:
Scarica il Program CourseCourse
Diario dell’esperienza
Journal “English for Teachers”
21st May – 27th May 2017
Sunday 17.00h-20.30h
Introduction to Programme. Programme’s Rationale.
Introductory activity.
Monday 22nd May 2017
At 9.00 am meeting point on Trinity College Dublin for activity.
Where in Dublin? (Dublin City Treasure Hunt):
We were divided into groups. Our group was Carmen and Ramon (Spanish teachers) and Salvatore (Italian Administrative Director). The activity we had to carry out was aimed at knowledge of Dublin. It was a fun activity that allowed us to socialize.
From 12.30 to 13.30 lunch breakFrom 13.30 to 15.000 Language focus I: Society & Culture (Relevant Vocabulary & Pronunciation).
Tuesday 23nd May 2017 9.00h-12.30h
We were divided into groups for Language focus II: Food and Drink (Relevant Vocabulary & Pronunciation). Project-based Learning: Food & Drink. We learned the names of the most common Irish foods and typical Irish drinks


From 12.30 to 13.30 lunch break From 13.30 to 15.000

From 13.30h-16.15h Field Project: Book of Kells. We visited the famous Trinity College library.
Wednesday 24nd May 2017 9.00h-12.30h
Language focus III: Hobbies and Leisure (Relevant Vocabulary & Pronunciation).
We have performed interesting group activities during which we learned the use of words about hobbies and leisure
From 12.30 to 13.30 lunch break
13.30h-15.00h Project-based Learning: Hobbies: Divided into small groups we have carried out activities aimed at knowing the hobbies of the members of the group. We have been exercised to ask specific questions and answer questions.
Thursday 25nd May 2017 9.00h-12.30h
Language focus IV: Irish Legends (Relevant Vocabulary & Pronunciation).
We have done an activity that has allowed us to know the most famous Irish legends
From 12.30 to 13.30 lunch break13.30h-15.00h Project-based Learning: Irish Legends. : Divided into small groups we have carried out activities aimed at knowing the Irish Legends
Friday 26nd May 2017 8.30h-18.00h
Study Visit & Field Project to Glendalough & Kilkenny
Glendalough, in Wicklow (Ireland) is a village located near the site of an ancient monastery. We enjoyed panoramic walks through oak forests, along the lake shore, or steep mountain trails to reach panoramic views of the valley.
Saturday 27nd May 2017 9.00h-12.30h
Discussing dissemination strategies. Presentation of Learner’s PORTFOLIO.
Journal (gruppo formazione CLIL)
Journal (gruppo English for Teachers)
Formazione in aula ed in laboratorio con approccio “frontal lesson”
- Role(s) of teachers in CLIL
- Teaching subjects through English: Clear understanding of CLIL
- Ireland: History & Culture
- Lesson Delivery: Practical strategies in CLIL teaching
- Assessment in CLIL: Types of assessment. Support strategies for assessment
- Linking with your subject: Creating teaching resources for CLIL
- Discussing dissemination strategies
- Presentation of Learner’s PORTFOLIO
Formazione con approccio “field project”
- Field Project: Dublin photo walk.
- Field Project: Dublin photo walk.
- Field Project: Book of Kells.
- Field Project: Glendalough & Kilkenny.
- Field Project: Glendalough & Kilkenny.
Erasmus spirit